Trendy Sideboard And Buffet Decor Ideas To Try This Year

Trendy Sideboard And Buffet Decor Ideas To Try This Year

Article published at: Oct 7, 2024
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Let’s get over the ordinary corner tables this time. It’s high time to give your home a makeover like never before. For this, the vintage handcarved buffet sideboards online are giving inspiration for a spellbinding decor space with some stunning furniture and some super stylish decor ideas. Let’s get head over heels by creating an attractive corner in the house. 


The 10 Must Try Sideboard Decor Ideas You Must Pick From

The first and foremost factor to take care of is the furniture placement. Make your furniture all the more fruitful by placing it in places like the living room, bedroom, and dining, where the furniture is more noticeable. Further, here are some classic attractions that you can order online. 

The Mandatory Vase Decor

A stylish and modish vase can pair perfectly with your vase decor. If you choose a bright white sideboard buffet cabinet, then prefer darker hues of vases to contrast. And vice versa for the opposite. 

On these, choose bold and modern designs of vases in solid colours and varying sizes. Mix and match is an art and you can be an artist by playing with contrasts. 

Statement Art Pieces

Let your art define your personality with what you choose to decorate. Bring home some magnificent creations shopped from the rising artists on the streets, or the masterpieces bid at the art gallery. 

Array this knack on an exquisite sideboard like an Indian carved sideboard available for sale in the UK. Indian art itself defines great furniture taste and having artefacts enhancing this decor will add to the glory of your interior. 

Bone Inlay Trays Decor

Inspired from the medieval era, and still aging like a fine wine, bone inlay will never fade with its fashion. Grab yours by having a look at the bone inlay trays available at Luxury Handicraft. With minimalist, chic, and spacious creation, this tray offers enough space to decorate your favorites. Let's begin with some flower vases adorned with seasonal flowers. 

You can even add some utility to your decor like keeping a designer tissue box with tissues. Let people enjoy your creative side while grabbing some fortune cookies. 

Mirror Frame Decor

Mirror on the wall are not just to adore you, but it can also adore your house with the scintillating nook it create in the house. Grab narrow sideboards and buffets for the living room and use the wall behind for flaunting massive and small mirror frame collages on the wall. 

Pick bold Indian furniture designs arraying detailed textures, and deck this corner with bone inlay mirror frames. Scientifically proven, this mirror corner will be a happening light reflector in your abode. Deck it on the porch and let every entrance be a royal one. 

Room Planter Decor

If you are a greenie, then a sideboard full of greens will be your door to show it. Head to a fern and petal shop to grab some exquisite all-season room planters that flourish with each passing year. 

For a modern look, you can deck it on the minimalist credenza, and for a vintage look, buy a vintage handcarved buffet sideboard online. Also, find the perfect planters that match your furniture, followed by adorable plants, succulents, and tiny indoor trees. Make your abode greener and fresher with this natural decor. 

Picture Frame Decor

However digital photos you store in your phone, but pictures captured in a photo frame will always remain special. Capture this special moment and make your fondest memories worth cherishing by getting those framed in some modern and stylish photo frames. 

Let your sideboard platform be full of family and friends' pictures, and use such collages to create a wall full of frames. This lively nook will be your conversation starter when your favorite people arrive. 

Decorate Fruit Bowl And Buffets

A sideboard in the dining room can be both a practical and pretty corner for the room. Use this corner as a buffet to place your cutlery for serving. And if you are a crockery lover owning a giant fruit bowl waiting to be displayed, then this is your opportunity. Place a fruit bowl right in the center and let it serve fruits fresh each day. 

You can even use counterpart bowls around the leading fruit bowl for some dry fruits, nuts, and muesli servings. Indeed, this delightful corner will be your reason for ‘bon appetite’.

An Antique Clock Collection

Let's bring home the touch of timeless elegance with a range of antique clock collections. Frame a stunning corner in your abode by placing sets of antique table clocks in multiple sizes, followed by a wall clock arraying the same. 

Spend some extra on a vintage mantle clock or grandfather clock to get a flashback to the royal past. 

Perfumed Diffusers

Fragrances make any space merrier and fresh. Make your sideboard a part of this magical home interior by infusing gorgeous diffusers on the tabletop of the sideboards. Bring home some chic diffuser pots in which you can place the diffusing rods, or experiment with designer electric diffusers available in several sauve designs. Add your kind of fragrance that keeps smelling fresh and maintains a blooming aura in your abode. 

Lamp Decor

For a modern home decor, you can introduce a minimalist credenza and decorate it with contemporary modern lamps. A pair of table lamps can add more style and functionality to that particular nook. On the other hand, if you have shopped Indian carved sideboard available for sale in UK, then go for curvy detailed table lamps to contrast with the theme. 

You can even use tall lamps with narrow sideboards and buffets for the living room for an accentuating light corner, or introduce tall sideboards with pole lamps and other decorative elements on table tops.

Your sideboard is not just a furniture piece but your initiative to introduce much creativity, vibrancy, and keeping a balance between aesthetics and practicality. Do your part with shopping chic sideboards online, or order custom sideboards with drawers online from Luxury Handicraft, serving a wide range of sideboards and credenza. Albeit, there is not much difference between a sideboard and a credenza, you can pick the design featuring your need better. Certainly, you will find everything for your needs, here. 

Go ahead, provoke your inner decor enthusiast. 
